Segment Research
Freely available research solution for medical image analysis
Segment is freely available for research purposes provided that you cite relevant publications and the usage of the software in your publications according to here. Segment includes a broad range of analysis tools for MRI, CT and Myocardial perfusion SPECT images. The software package can also be used for a wide range of Radiology and Cardiology applications.
Segment is developed by Medviso in collaboration with Lund Cardiac MR group at Lund University.

Download Segment and join the community of researchers using Segment
The stand-alone version of Segment is found at our download page.
The source code version of Segment is found at GitHub.

Commercial software solutions
We provide software solutions for:
Clinical cardiac MR analysis: Segment CMR
Clinical 3D modelling and 3D printing: Segment 3DPrint
Cardiac CT analysis: Segment CT Research

Key features included in the free version
- MR LV and RV analysis
- MR Scar analysis
- MR Flow analysis
- MR T1, T2, T2* and ECV analysis
- MR Myocardium at risk analysis
- Bull`s eye analysis
- Gadgetron perfusion export
- Image fusion tools
- MP SPECT analysis
- 3D measurement tools
- Export tools
- Storing contours and analysis
- Region of interest analysis
- Signal intensity analysis
Additional features for purchase
- Strain analysis
- AI AutoMate
- MR Perfusion analysis
- Patient report generation
- Patient database
- PACS connection/DICOM server
- Plugin to Sectra PACS
Additional modules, if interested contact

The map shows where Segment has been used the last 12 months.
Software formats
Segment is released in two formats; the Stand-alone format and the Source code format. Both formats are freely available for research purposes. The stand-alone format is the general default format for users who wants to use the software. The Source code format is for you who wants to do your own plug-ins to Segment in Matlab.
Academic support contract
We offer Academic support contract for 900 Euro/year. With a valid support contract you can at all times contract us by email or request video conferences for assistance. We also assist you with developing additions to Segment and writing own plug-ins. Depending on the scope of request we also implement custom functionality included in the support contract. Please contact to get more information and request a quote
Licence terms
The software Segment is freely available for academic research purposes provided that you cite relevant publications about the software according to here.
We define academic research purposes as projects where the funding to the major part comes from governmental funds or donations. If answer for the examined patient is written back to the referring doctor this is considered to be clinical use and is not covered by academic research purposes. For usage not covered by academic research purposes, such as industry sponsored clinical trials, clinical or pre-clinical usage, Medviso provides commercial Software licenses.
The software is copyright protected and may not be redistributed/resold without permission. Read the full terms and conditions for using Segment here.