Here you find the solutions to our most frequently asked questions, which may provide guidance when
happening upon an issue with the Segment software packages.
Problem 1: The first time after installing the software, it won’t start.
Solution: Right-click on the software executable file and choose “Run as administrator”.
Problem 2: The software won’t start.
Solution: May be related to the fact that Segment’s file cache files are no longer complete or being deleted by your anti-virus software. Please try the following:
Step 1:
Delete mcrCache folder from this pathway:
and run Segment again.
You can reach the pathway by entering “%temp%” in the File Explorer and there selecting the folder with your [username].
Step 2:
If step 1 does not help, then it might be that your anti-virus program is deleting the necessary files before Segment can reach them.
Please add C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\[username]\mcrCache to the whitelist of your anti-virus.
Problem 3: When launching the software, I get one of the following error messages, or similar:
- “Error initializing CTF archive: Some error has occurred in the file: […], at line: 70.
The error message is:
Failed to create a directory required to extract the CTF file. Please make sure that you have appropriate permissions and re-run the application.” - “Could not find version 9.12 of the MATLAB Runtime. Attempting to load mclmcrrt9_12.dll. Please install the correct version of the MATLAB Runtime. Contact your vendor if you do not have an installer for the MATLAB Runtime.”
- “Failed to remove out-of-date CTF archive: ‘C:\Program Files\…’. Re-extraction of archive may fail.”
Solution: Right-click on the software executable file and choose “Run as administrator”.
Once the software is started, go to the folder where the software is installed, for example C:\Program Files\Medviso\Segment\application, and verify that the folder Segment_mcr exists.
Problem: During the first installation of the software, the installation agent must be unzipped. If it cannot be unzipped, then the message “Failed to unzip the install agent” comes up.
Solution: Install one of the applications to file archive like 7-zip or WinZip, and then perform software installation
Problem: After I right click and open the file this is the first message:
“The installer could not start the JVM.
Could not find file”
This is the only message I see.
Solution: Remove the whole “R2019a” folder from …\AppData\Local\MathWorks\app_installer_cache and restart the installer. This unpacks the installer from the beginning.
Problem 1: I get the following error (or similar) when running the installation agent:
“Call to download server failed (HTTP error code:12029). Try to rerun the installer…”
Solution: Please contact support@medviso.com and provide a screenshot of the error message you get when the installation agent fails to launch. The support team will assist you with the installation process.
Problem 2: I get the following error when running the installation agent:
“The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process”
Solution: Ensure that the services Segment Sorter Server, Segment Storage Server and Segment Sync are not running before upgrading. For more instructions on how to do this, please refer to Software Installation Manual.
Problem 3: I get the following error (or similar) when running the installation agent:
“The following error was detected while installing 3p/opengl_win64:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\v912\sys\opengl\lib\win64\opengl32.dll (Access is denied)
Would you like to retry installing 3p/opengl_win64? […]”
Solution: This issue was reported to us by users using the anti-virus software from McAfee. McAfee has an add-on called Access Protection. This feature is known to flag certain installer files. Try to temporarily disable or uninstall Access Protection and run the installation file again. Access Protection can then be enabled or reinstalled after the installation completes. For more information about disabling this feature, please refer to the McAfee support site.
Problem 4: I get the following error (or similar) when running the installation agent:
“The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem”
Solution: Please consult this external webpage for resolving the issue: https://lazyadmin.nl/it/fix-vcruntime140-dll/
To check your GPU, go to “Device Manager” (can be done via Windows search bar). Your GPU is listed under “Display adapters”.
Go to https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx and select your graphics card from the list. Download and install – you may need to reboot your computer.
Problem: Error message “Undefined function or variable ‘matlabrc'”
Solution: Delete the folder mcrCache from this pathway:C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\[username]\mcrCache
Run Segment again. You can reach the pathway by entering “%temp%” in the File Explorer and there select the folder with your [username]
Problem: MCR cache cannot be unpacked under Temp folder.
Solution: MCR_cache must be installed directly under C:\Program Files\Medviso\Segment\application. Send link to the Segment version _CTF_ (if exists) or copy over a folder that already contains MCR_cache files.The folder should be placed under C:\Program Files\Medviso\Segment\application.
Problem: Error message “The ordinal 4793 could not be located…”
Solution: The problem can be caused by the files libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files found under
C:\Windows\system32. Replace those files with those in the Matlab Runtime installation folder. The files are found under
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLABRuntime\v96\bin\win64.
This means that the software is unable to connect to Medviso license server. The computer needs to have a working Internet connection. If you are connected to the Internet, then the most likely cause is that there is some kind of security setting on your machine that blocks this communication.
If you are using Microsoft Defender, check the following:
- In Windows search tab, write “security” and select “Windows Security”
- Click on “Firewall & Network protection”
- Click on “Allow an app through firewall”
- Click on “Allow another app…”
- Click “Browse” and go to the folder where you have installed the software. In the subfolder application, find the file Segment.exe (for Segment), Segment3DPrint.exe (for Segment 3DPrint), or SegmentCMR.exe (for Segment CMR).
If your organisation is running a proxy server, contact your IT staff to get details of the proxy server. Proxy server can be configured under “Set general preferences”. There is also a button to test network connectivity.
If your organization is running a network firewall that prevents the communication, please connect the IT staff to get assistance of opening communication with the license server.
The license server connection is done over port 80 to the URL address https://www.medviso.com.
Problem: Error message when trying to load DICOM files: “Unsupported Transfer Syntax: ‘[JPEG, Big-Endian, etc]’ Use dicomsorter to convert.”
Solution: Use the DICOM Sorting Tool found in the File Loader to convert the original DICOM files to a readable format.
findscu: Association Request Failed:
0006:031b Failed to establish association
0006:0317 Peer aborted Association (or never connected)
0006:031c TCP Initialization Error: No error
It seems that the association between Segment and PACS could not be established. To establish the association between PACS and Segment CMR, please verify the following information:
- Is there a PACS node for Query/retrieve of DICOM data?
- On the computer with Segment installation: check firewall settings, and please add TCP port (default 104, unless setup differently) and the following exe files:
These files can be found under C:/ProgramFiles/Medviso/SegmentCMR/application
unless you have chosen another installation folder for Segment CMR.
- In PACS: verify that these Segment entities are entered correctly: Segment Server Port (default 104, unless setup differently), Segment IP address and Segment AETitle
- Is a network firewall opened between the computer and PACS?
We suggest to setup an online meeting, during which we could help you to configure PACS – Segment connection.
Problem: Progress is stalled on startup, CardiacMotion64.exe window does not open, cannot perform strain registration.
Solution: Go to the following path in File Explorer:
C:\Program Files\Medviso\Segment\application
and double click on “CardiacMotion64.exe”. If you get an error message concerning the library MSVCP100.dll, then it means that your version of Visual C++ 2010 is damaged, or not installed on the system. This version is available directly from the Microsoft website to repair the file. Choose the 64bits version in the link below:
If a message pops up stating that the version is already installed, then choose the repair option. Restart the system once the installation or repair is completed
You can find the log file for the current session in the software by selecting “Help” -> “Open Log File for This Session”.
No, for commercial purpose or clinical trials we offer a pre-clinical contract for Segment.
Please contact sales@medviso.com to get more information
This is correct, only the Software Segment is free for use – Segment CMR is one of our commercial software packages (which also has a CE mark and FDA clearance). Segment includes a complete package for cardiac MRI analysis.
Solution: Segment does not run natively on Mac. However, we had positive feedback from users who have set up dual booting on their Mac, or used a virtual machine such as Parallels, in order to be able to run Segment on Windows. Mac computers have a native utility tool to set up dual booting called Boot Camp Assistant. On the other hand, Parallels is, among others, a software that you can use to emulate a Windows environment. It is up to you to choose which solution suits you best.
Please note that you will not be able to use our latest fully automatic AI-based tools for LV and RV segmentation since they require a specific type of graphic card that is not available for Mac. However, you will be able to use our semi-automatic AI-based tools for segmentation.
Parallels lacks links to algebraic libraries (that are needed to run MATLAB, which is our software suite development framework). Medviso does not provide support for running our software suite on Mac OS, therefore we encourage you to contact Parallels for further support. It is recommended that you install our software on a PC, as per the software’s system requirements.